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You probably have questions...

I hear that some placenta encapsulators do the work in my home. Why do you do it your your kitchen?


Those first few days home with your new baby are so very precious. The last thing you want is someone in your private space and filling your home with "unfamiliar" smells. And, I find that most couples appreciate privacy and that special alone time when first coming home with their new baby.


How do you clean your tools and equipment?


I want to keep YOUR family safe, and I want to keep MY family safe, so once your placenta is in my kitchen, it is processed in a sanitized environment using only dedicated equipment. Your placenta will be treated with respect while maintaining the highest standard for sanitation. All tools are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after use. I follow OSHA standards for sanitation and have successfully completed an OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Prevention for Doulas & Placenta Encapsulators course.



What should I do to make sure the hospital knows to release my placenta?


Most hospitals now have a form authorizing the release of your placenta.  Make sure you mention your wish to have your placenta released on your written birth preferences and to your nurse upon arrival at the hospital. Some hospitals will release it as soon as you deliver.  Others wait until you are discharged, and then discharge the placenta with you. Certain hospitals have certain protocols regarding the release of your placenta. See your hospital's protocols here.


What if they take my placenta to pathology?


In some cases the hospital may want to take the placenta to pathology for examination. The placenta will likely still be released, but it is important that you give instructions that “NO FORMALIN OR FORMALDEHYDE” be used in storing your placenta, as this will render it unusable.


Can I encapsulate my placenta if I was positive for (GBS) Group Beta Strep?


Yes. The CDC tells us that possible bacteria such as GBS will be killed when the dehydration temperature reaches at least 145 degrees for four hours. So, when preparing placentas where mothers have tested GBS positive, I steam the placenta as well as dehydrating it at 160 degrees for at least six hours. 


What if I've been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes?

You may have a bigger than "average" placenta if you've been diagnosed with GD, but the placenta does not control insulin function in ANY way and the larger size is simply due to the same availability of sugar in the system that creates a larger baby for some women with uncontrolled GD. But there are no contraindications for encapsulation if you have GD.


Can I encapsulate my placenta if my baby passed meconium at or before birth?


Yes. Meconium is sterile, it does not contain fecal bacteria that normal stool does. Meconium is dangerous for the infant to inhale, but is otherwise harmless.  And your placenta is always thoroughly washed before encapsulation preparation.

Do I have backup? Yes, and she's Ah-mazing!


I will pick up your placenta from your hospital or your doula after you give birth and get the capsules back to you in 1-3 days.  But, in the event I am at a delivery (as a doula) or have another unavoidable conflict, I may have someone else pick up your placenta and deliver it to me at my home. And, in the unlikely event that I am unable to encapsulate your placenta for you, my assistant, Candy, who has been encapsulating with me for over six years, will fill in for me.


How many capsules will I get?


This varies greatly due to the size of the placenta. Typically a placenta will yield between 100-200 capsules.



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